Friday, December 12, 2014

Where Did The Semester Go?

Somehow, every semester I end up with the same feeling so many of us are familiar with: where did the last 15 weeks go? (and also) whew, wait a lot has happened at the same time, I'm kind of tired! 
Alas, today rounds out the last week of teaching and finals at UConn but finals week at Providence College is next week. In order to prepare for the grading cave I will be in next week, I decided a few weeks ago that I would treat myself to a well deserved concert in NY tomorrow. And I am sure looking forward to it! None of that guilt to cancel last minute going on around here and I'm proud of myself. 

Here are some noteworthy achievements/happenings of fall 2014:

- I moved, again, to live by myself in Providence/ Pawtucket. And it is glorious. I'm good at this making a house a home thing, it turns out.

- My mother and niece came to visit me in October and it is easily one of my highlights of all time. 

- Taught at Providence College as a special lecturer: Contemporary Political Theory. The school (students, atmosphere, landscape all of it really) reminds me so very much of my alma mater, the University of Dayton. It was a bittersweet thing.

- Taught Black Political Thought at UConn in a very *timely* moment in regards to political resistance and reaction of the people to racial oppression. The students engaged in incredible work together.

- Presented my work and made connections with truly amazing human beings at the National Women's Studies Conference in Puerto Rico. 

- Remained committed to anti-racist, anti-imperial social justice activism in many ways, especially by showing up. Even when you can think of many reasons not to go, it's important to show up. Be there and be present for what you believe in.

- I learned to knit! After some initial frustrations with getting it down, it became such a soothing and meditative hobby. 

- The dissertation remains underway and some group writing and feedback loops are underway for my December Writing Plan. 

When I think through these, I realize how superbly blessed I am. And these aren't even all of them!

Happy winter break!

*As a resource, I always recommend "Every Semester Needs A Plan" and "The Sunday Meeting" by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Productivity tools I could not live without!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

This summer will be dedicated to self-care and writing that dissertation

An important part of the writing process is being comfortable with different settings that are fruitful for organizing, revising, and drafting new work. After many trips to Providence, Rhode Island to engage in this kind of work with fellow colleagues, I made the decision to move here in May. It's been three weeks and I couldn't be happier about my decision. There are so many cafes, libraries, and parks that inspire creativity and discipline for writing my dissertation. I live in a collective where mutual respect and a combination of spiritual, mental, and physical health and wellbeing is supported.

I am truly blessed and love the city of Providence!

*If you find yourself in this area and would like to meet up for coffee, just let me know!*

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Negritude Conference March 2014

I am happy to share that I had an incredibly productive and soul-lifting time at the Negritude Conference of AfroLatin American Studies in La Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia.

I presented my paper on Liborismo, Memory and Resistance, which I plan to turn into a chapter for my dissertation. My heartfelt thanks go out to coordinator and founder Luis Miletti of Clark Atlanta Univeristy and all of the attendees who made this my best conference experience yet!

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Welcome to my personal page where updates on conferences I am attending will be under 'Upcoming Events', professional changes will be added to my CV, and where you can communicate with me via comments on posts.

Embrace the struggle.